Niko Romito: Lamb torcinelli with friggitello peppers and balsamic vinegar
Which wine to pair with Lamb torcinelli with friggitello peppers and balsamic vinegar by starred chef Niko Romito? We recommend a Raccontami and offer you the recipe.
Which wine to pair with Lamb torcinelli with friggitello peppers and balsamic vinegar by starred chef Niko Romito? We recommend a Raccontami and offer you the recipe.
This week, for our rubric “Vini Stellati” we offer you Heinz Beck: Pigeon with scorzanera and cardoncello in hay. Accompanying wine chosen by the chef: Raccontami, Primitivo Di Manduria DOC.
We suggest you an extraordinary recipe of Pinchiorri wine shop: Tuffoli Pasta with Braised Oxtail on a Castemagno Fundue to be paired with our wine: Raccontami.
For our section “Vini Stellati” this week we suggest Chicco Cerea’s Pigeon in ROSSINI style. Wine pairing chosen by the chef: Raccontami, Primitivo Di Manduria DOC.